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5 Copywriting Hacks For Writing Compelling Copy

Watch this blog on YouTube…and give this week’s riddle a try!

In this article, I’m going to share 5 copywriting hacks you should be using. Read the article or watch it on YouTube.

The words you use in your marketing messaging could be the difference between attracting new customers or putting them off.

Writing successful copy is the key to any marketing campaign, and with so much out there, how do you make your message stand out in the crowd?

Below are 5 copywriting hacks that will help you create copy that resonates with your target audience and drives more sales.

1. Know Your Audience.

Any successful marketing campaign needs to really resonate with who you are targeting. 

To do this, you need to understand your ideal clients and know a few things about who you are trying to attract.

Firstly, their demographics; where do they live? How old are they? What sort of interests do they have? Age range? Hobbies?

Now, it’s not just about the general demographics. You need to dive into their emotions when they’re looking for the solution you provide them.

It could be they’re frustrated or they’re angry. If you know what emotions are being evoked when they’re seeking a solution, you can tailor your messaging to hit those pain points and make it clear that you are offering a solution to their problem.

Don’t just look at those high-level demographics. Really dive down to who they are.

Give them a name and characteristics, and picture that person in your head. Have clarity on who you are talking to, and that will help you tailor the messaging to their needs.

2. Use Emotional Triggers

5 Copywriting Hacks
Watch the full episode on YouTube.

Emotions are really powerful when copywriting, as we’ve just discussed.

As you get to know your audience, think about all the emotions in the sales process. What they were feeling before, what emotions finding your solution will evoke in them, and what that solution will give them in terms of emotions afterwards. 

It could be happiness, it could be joy, it could be a sense of relief. You can then put any of those strong emotions into your copy to trigger an emotional trigger.

As an exercise, write down all the feelings they have before, then write down what they are likely to feel after buying from you.

Paint the picture of how they’ll feel after buying from you.

3. Keep It Simple

When it comes to sales copy, less is more.

Sometimes we use a lot of words because we feel we need to get everything across in one go…

They need to hear where we’ve come from, our journey, why we’re here now, what we’ve got to offer them, how wonderful it is, and why they should buy it. 

The fact is that people will not read lots and lots of text (unless it’s an informative or educational piece like this!).

You have a very short time period to grab their attention. So you need to make sure you are keeping your message really simple.

It’s gotta be clear, it’s got to be concise, and it’s got to be to the point.

You should also consider formatting. When uploading it to your website or chosen media you use, think about how it looks.

Improve your copy’s appearance by using:

  • Short sentences
  • Paragraphs
  • Bold text
  • Bullet points

All these are great ways of breaking up that messaging so it’s easier to read.

Remember, keep your marketing messaging nice and simple. We want them to quickly understand what it is you are offering and why it benefits them.

4. Social Proof

Hack number four is to use social proof.

In a world with so many choices and decisions, we buy on trust, and the best way to build trust with your audience is to demonstrate through testimonials or reviews from your customers why you’re a trusted person to buy from. 

Use your social proof in your copy to show how you provided a solution for someone and what that looked like from their perspective.

Think about when you last went to Amazon. I would put money on you checking the reviews before you purchased. You checked to see what other people thought, and this is no different from your business.

Use social proof to demonstrate to your potential customer why they can trust buying from you, how you’ve helped others, and what solution you’ve provided that has made their lives better.

Use testimonials on your website, in your emails and on social media. Don’t be afraid to show off why you are good at what you do. 

5. Use Powerful Headlines

My last copywriting hack is to use powerful headlines.

If you’ve already done hack one and got to know your audience well, you can use that information in your headlines.

Whether for your website or your landing page, even in your emails in the subject line, the first thing they see has to be really powerful and eye-catching.

You want them to read your headline and think, “This is for me”, and want to read further.

In a world of short attention spans, headlines have never been more important. You’ve got a very limited time. So grab their attention with those powerful headlines.

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    About Laura

    What if I told you I knew how to make you stand out above the crowd and not only grab the attention of your audience, but build a bond with them that makes them a loyal customer, sound good? As a freelance content and copywriter that's exactly my job. I'll help you find your unique voice that speaks directly to your target audience. All you need to do is start a conversation.
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