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How can my content and copywriting services help you?

Let's get this copywriting ball rolling!
Complete the contact form and let me know how I can help you with your copywriting needs.

If you can include scope of work, timeframe and budget in your message, this is extra helpful.

I'm not always at my emails, but aim to get back to you within 48 hours.

So, how does this work?

  1. I aim to respond to your enquiry within two working days and if needed we’ll arrange a call to discuss things further.

  2. Once I have the details I need I’ll send you a quote and estimated time for completion of your copywriting project.

  3. If you’re happy to proceed I’ll pop you over an invoice to pay a 50% deposit so we can get started (some services require full payment upfront).

  4. We’ll then have our discovery call (if required)! This is the fun bit, I’ll ask you some questions and we’ll dive into detail so I can get to know more about your business and your target audience. I’ll then set to work on writing you some great copy.

  5. I’ll send your copy on a Google Drive or Word Doc and you’ll have a chance to feedback. If we need to make any amends we can do this then. 

  6. Once the work is complete I’ll send you a final invoice to pay the remaining balance upon receipt.



Can't find the words?
Struggling to articulate your brand's voice or captivate your audience?
Get in touch and let's transform your content game!
© 2024 Laura Bean. Don't steal my stuff!